Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business and Finance (Top-Up)


Programme Introduction

This course provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the activities required to manage a business, and to ensure that it prospers, in a dynamic global business environment. The course is designed to allow students to develop an awareness of modern business practice through practical activities which aim to equip students with a holistic understanding of how an organisation functions, with specific emphasis on key issues such as how organisations are financially structured and how they manage their cash flows.


1. Corporate and Behavioural Finance

This module examines the critical theories and concepts of corporate finance and behavioural finance relevant to the strategic planning and financial positioning of organizations. The module builds on concepts covered in introductory financial economics module but also introduces behavioural finance, mergers and acquisition and Advanced investment decision making. The construction of efficient portfolios and capital structure is included which necessitate the understanding of efficient sources of and management of finance as well as risk assessment of a wide range of financial assets which ensures that the wealth of organisations are not eroded by poor investment decisions. In addition, this module will embed critical thinking and problem-solving skills and develop analytical skills so that students understand and can use indexes, data and a range of information sources that help form the basis of effective financial decision making.

Study Mode & Duration:
Full-time: 8 months
Part-time: 12 months
SOC date : Jan / Sep
1 month prior to intake date
Average Teacher-Student Ratio

1:150 (Classroom based lecture)

Combination of coursework and examinations

Graduation Requirement

• Must passed all modules

• Must achieve an overall attendance of 90% (International Student) and 75% (Local Student).

International Students / Local students
 Minimum 18 years old
Academic Minimum Entry Requirement
  • EAIM Diploma in Accountancy and Advanced Diploma in Accountancy or equivalent
  • Relevant local Polytechnic Diploma or equivalent
  • Relevant Diploma holders from other Singapore-based private institutions or equivalent
  • An equivalent academic qualification from a recognized higher learning institution will be considered on a case-by-case basis, subjected to final approval by the university.


Mature Candidates: Applicants must be at least 30 years of age with 8 years of working experience.

English Language Minimum Entry Requirement
IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
International students
( Full Time - 8 months )
Course Fee
S$ 10,300
Admin Fee
S$ 1,000
Application Fee
S$ 540
S$ 11,840


Local students
( Full Time - 8 months )
Course Fee
S$ 9,300
Admin Fee
S$ 1000
Application Fee
S$ 150
S$ 10,450


Local students
( Part Time - 12 months )
Course Fee
S$ 9,300
Admin Fee
S$ 1000
Application Fee
S$ 150
S$ 10,450
- The Application Fee is a one-time payment and is non-refundable.
- Administration Fee includes STP fee, FPS Insurance, medical insurance, etc.
- All prices are subject to prevailing Goods & Services Tax (GST) of 9%.
- All prices are effective for intakes from Jan 2024.
- Start of class is subjected to minimum class size of 10 achieved.
- Other miscellaneous fees may apply. (Please click here for more information.)

Enquiry Form


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